Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of is college beneficial or not. Whereas some are convinced that going to college is beneficial, others maintain that going to college isn’t beneficial at all. “College dropouts face higher unemployment, have lower median incomes, and have higher loan default rates than those who graduate.” In making this comment, Jennifer Wheary the one who published this information believes that those who don’t get an education after their twelfth grade face a lot of problems. My own view, however, it is that college is beneficial because those who go to universities have more opportunities in getting hired. However, it is simply not true that college is a waste of time and money. On the other hand obtaining an education after your senior high benefits you in so many ways. For example by obtaining your bachelor's degree you can can open your own
Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of is college beneficial or not. Whereas some are convinced that going to college is beneficial, others maintain that going to college isn’t beneficial at all. “College dropouts face higher unemployment, have lower median incomes, and have higher loan default rates than those who graduate.” In making this comment, Jennifer Wheary the one who published this information believes that those who don’t get an education after their twelfth grade face a lot of problems. My own view, however, it is that college is beneficial because those who go to universities have more opportunities in getting hired. However, it is simply not true that college is a waste of time and money. On the other hand obtaining an education after your senior high benefits you in so many ways. For example by obtaining your bachelor's degree you can can open your own