Although according to our different cultures and religions war appears to be a moral issue, some people believe that under certain circumstances war is the best option because it is the better of other bad choices. Either way war deliberately kills innocent civilians and soldiers, this goes against human rights, every human being has the right to live and peacefully. There are war ethics which help decide right from wrong, there are debates and countries try to solve conflicts. War ethics also lead to the creation of some formal codes such as “The Hague” and “Geneva conventions” which places rules in warfare.
Rules have been made to govern the conduct of war. In 1864 the Geneva Convention was created to protect the wounded and sick affected by warfare, they provide medical facilities and they also recognized the Red Cross as a neutral medical group. Innocent civilians cannot control the violence and bloodshed in war, therefore the creation of such conventions to help the injured and sick is good. JeanVanier says that there are barriers between us humans which is why there is no peace among us, we need to understand the others, accept differences come to a fair decision and break barriers to create peace. The conventions and medical groups that help civilians regardless of their race or side is an example of