Humans have unique biological and behavioral qualities because of their evolutionary history. This fact is ever present in War of the Worlds. In the novel, the human race is plagued by an invasion force that originates from Mars. The fact that humans have not been in space until after the setting of the story shows that humans are limited to the ingenuity which is allotted to them by evolution. Consequently of evolution, humans ,in War of the Worlds, are indefensible against the Martian heat ray. In the work, the heat ray incinerates entire battalions of unprepared soldiers. Regardless of the soldiers’ formidability against other foes, their level of ingenuity is not enough to match that of the Martians. While the evolutionary disadvantage of humans’ ingenuity is great, so is that of our work
Humans have unique biological and behavioral qualities because of their evolutionary history. This fact is ever present in War of the Worlds. In the novel, the human race is plagued by an invasion force that originates from Mars. The fact that humans have not been in space until after the setting of the story shows that humans are limited to the ingenuity which is allotted to them by evolution. Consequently of evolution, humans ,in War of the Worlds, are indefensible against the Martian heat ray. In the work, the heat ray incinerates entire battalions of unprepared soldiers. Regardless of the soldiers’ formidability against other foes, their level of ingenuity is not enough to match that of the Martians. While the evolutionary disadvantage of humans’ ingenuity is great, so is that of our work