Slavery was one of the causes of the civil war. The South depended on slavery to fuel their economy. They had small plantations and needed a lot of labor to generate income. The North can do fine without slavery. They mostly had factories which didn’t require much labor. The South believed they couldn’t keep up with the North’s income without slavery. The
North believed it gave the South an unfair economic advantage. Both groups pointed at the Declaration of Independence as proof for or against slavery.
Although the Compromise of 1850 was to prevent conflict, it actually caused much confusion. It set the boundary line of Texas, California became a free state, Slave trade was banned in D.C., Utah and New Mexico could vote on slavery, and the Fugitive Slave Act was enforced.
In 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected president with only Northern votes. Many States did not agree with Lincoln's Policy. South Carolina was the first state to secede from the Union and there were many more to follow. Then sealing the Civil War in our history books today. Then in 1861 the Civil War began.