Phaedra M. Jackson
May 12, 2013
Natasha Henry-White
Water Resources Plan
|Action Items |Action Steps |Timeline |
|(in order) | | |
|Research and identify the decrease in the |Research local fishermen and members of the |1-6 Months |
|number of fish due to the fishing industry. |fishing community. | |
| |Interview the local fishermen and get statements| |
| |from them. Make sure they are recorded or video | |
| |taped. | |
| |Research the breed of fish that need protection | |
| |and which ones are on the decline like | |
| |swordfish. | |
| |Research the demands put on fishermen to sell | |
| |the most and make more money. | |
|Research the fishermen’s catch methods and the|Research the size of commercial boats and |Months 7-8 |