‘East is east and west is west. Never the twain shall meet’ said Rudyard Kipling. ‘Learning is learning and fun is fun. Never the twain shall meet’ said a student. It is time to make that possible now. It is time to end the era in which children hated school. It is time to get rid of the old teaching techniques and keep in pace with modern day technology. It is time to stop using the chalk on the board and make a change in the lives of the generations to come.
We are making progress. India in the 11th century had schooling in gurukuls. Young boys were taught archery and sword fighting skills. Children used to sit under trees with their slates and chalks and practice sums. Today, we belong to a digital generation that demands innovative methods of absorbing information. Scope in this field is tremendous. Over the years, schools have moved from black boards to smart boards, from typewriters to computers and from a rigid education system to a spontaneous fun experience of school.
The oxford dictionary defines fun as ‘light amusement’ but every individual has his own definition of fun. We always find it funny when a child remembers the exact dialogues of the latest film but finds it difficult to answer the questions from their history text book. So to create and exciting atmosphere, the interest of a child is crucial. Audio-video and movies with children’s favorite stars help in absorbing the required knowledge. Recorded food preparation television shows and scenes from famous plays can be shown. Colorful pictorials and animations speak louder than a thousand words. Learning in groups with friends also reinforces many facts. Occasional challenges like quizzes and spelling bees help in building an attitude f or many students. Practicals are very beneficial. It would be great to have a multi touch technology where a science student could perform a surgery or an electronics student could