CONTENTS: Executive Summary…………………………………………………….3 Introduction………………………………………………………………3 Disability…………………………………………………………………..3 Equality…………………………….. …………………………………….4 Discrimination……………………………………………………………4 Education………………………………………………………………….5 Employment……………………………………………………………….6-7 The Law in the United Kingdom…………………………………………8 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………..9 References…………………………………………………………………10-11 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The law either compounds or alleviates social problems faced by various social groups in society.The statement ,”We are all equal before the law” is very debateable.This report will endeavour to look at how disability,employment and the law interrelate.It will also explore how disability is prejudiced and how employment policies have helped to solve the problems faced by disabled people in employment.
INTRODUCTION This assignment will focus on disabled people as the chosen social group and unemployment as the
References: Barnes,C(1990) Disabled People in Britain and Discrimination:A Case for Anti-Discrimination Legislation.London:Hurst and Company Braye , S ,Preston-Shoot , M (1992 ) Practising Social Work Law London The Macmillan Press Ltd Dalley,G (ed) (1991 )Disability and Social Policy,Policy Studies Institute Employment Gazette (1991) “Registered Disabled people in the public sector(February),81-6 George,M (1991 ) “Difficult times,little help Community Care Giddens,A (2009 ) Sociology Cambridge Polity Press Hyde , M (1996 ) “Fifty years of failure:Employment services for disabled people in the UK”.Work , Employment and Society Hyde ,M (2000) “ Disability:.In Payne , G Oliver , M ( 1983 ) Social work with Disabled people London Macmillan Oliver ,M (1990 ) The Politics of Disablement.London: Macmillan-now Palgrave Macmillan Payne , G (2006 ) Social Divisions Hampshire Palgrave Macmillan Preston-Clarke , P ( 1990 ) Employment and Handicap Social and Community Planning Research Wood , P (1980 ) International Classification of impairments,Disabilities and Handicaps,Geneva,WHO