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Your College
NR-361: Information Systems in Health Care
Instructor: your instructor
Spring xxxx
Introduction The digital age has given us the opportunity to store all sorts of information about ourselves electronically. Let's take a look at one of the current trends in technology that may help emergency responders enhance the care they give to us in the event of an emergency.
Review of QR Codes Quick Response codes, or QR codes, were developed by an automobile parts manufacturer in the 90's to track its parts. (Denso Wave Incorporated, 2010). They differ from regular bar codes in that they can represent up to over 4,000 alphanumeric characters as compared to only 20 numbers of the standard bar code. This allows the QR code to pack quite a punch in information for today's hi-tech computer junkies. So what does that mean to you and me? Bar codes are only lines that represent numbers. It has to be read in a very specific way in order for it to be read correctly. They also need to be created by a piece of software that needs to be purchased and read with a scanner. That makes them very limited in their use and difficult for the everyday user to create. Enter the QR code. When Denso created the QR code they made it specifically to be open source. Open source means anyone can use it free of charge. What's more, you can go to various websites that will create a QR code for you for free. Because QR codes can represent numbers and letters they can be used to store messages, addresses, phone numbers, even website addresses. While free is good, lets take a look at some disadvantages to QR codes. To read a QR code you need special hardware and software. Thankfully, today's smart-phones have a camera built into them that can read a QR code. Coupled with a free app and you are ready to go. So maybe that is not a disadvantage. Smart-phones are expensive and so are the data plans that you have to purchase in order to use them. The