The media prominently impacts our lives as we are drawn to a fictional world, which influences our attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors about controversial subjects. Children are exposed to various sorts of media that may play a positive or negative role in their socialization. If children are involved in numerous extra-curricular activities they have a broadened social network, which allows them to be stimulated in positive atmospheres. If children are unable to participate in extra-curricular activities, they do not get the same opportunity to bond with other children outside of the classroom setting. Their social network is narrowed because they see the same people everyday. The media has become an increasingly important socializing agent. It particularly reaches the interests of children who are not active outside of the classroom setting because they become more exposed as their interests revolve around the usage of media.
Since children are not developed adults, the media is able to influence them more for this reason because of their impressionability. Some of the things that the media exposes us to may not be what we want our children to learn, like violence. Children do not see what is wrong with violence because the media makes it look exciting so it captures the attention of young viewers. The media represents a negative force in We Need To Talk About Kevin because it emphasizes the stereotypical roles of the parents, it desensitizes the audience to violence in the media, and it imposes a challenge for children to distinguish between the real world and the fictional world.
Why are mother and father roles so differentiated? Can a mom not play the role of a dad and can a dad not play the role of a mom? The media would have to disagree with this statement because they advertise the stereotypical roles of both genders. Moms are expected to become “stay at home moms” so they can look after their
Citations: Shriver, L. We Need To Talk About Kevin. Harper Perennial, 2006. Print. Caron, Christian. Sociological Lenses. Toronto: Nelson, Education Ltd. , 2011. Print.