Team X
Analyzing and Interpreting Data
The ultimate goal of descriptive statistics is to describe a set of data, identify patterns, and draw a conclusion, which enables an organization to make effective and informed decisions (McClave, Benson, & Sincich, 2011). The company, Ballard Integrated Managed Services (BIMS), a support services company will leverage statistics to gather information on the company’s employees to analyze and identify patterns. The goal of this research project is to determine the reason for the high employee turnover and low morale. The research team has developed a strategy that ensures that the management dilemma will be resolved in the most economical way, and with valid, reliable, stable, and practical information.
Research Problem and Purpose
The most prolific management dilemma that businesses encounter is retaining employees. BIMS has experienced an increase in employee turnover, which puts the company’s long-term sustainability and client relationships at risk. It is the function of management to organize the resources, locations, and authority within the organization to ensure optimal use of the company’s resources. The purpose of the research study is to determine the source of the low employee morale, productivity, and engagement.
Research Questions Research questions are open-ended questions, with the objective of discovering future tasks, identifying variables, ethical considerations, and defining the hypothesis (Cooper & Schindler, 2011). This step is essential to ensuring that the research team solves the right management dilemma. Prior to implementation, the research team would develop a lot of research questions. These questions include:
1. Do you enjoy your assigned shift?
2. How many times have you called in sick in the past month?
3. Were you trained for the position you currently work in?
4. Does you manager communicate properly?
5. Do you feel you
References: Cooper, D., & Schindler, P. (2011). Business research methods (11th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. McClave, J.T., Benson, P.G., & Sincich, T. (2011). Statistics for Business and Economics (11th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. Lind, D.A., Marchal, W.G., & Wathen, S.A. (2011). Basic Statistics for Business & Economics (7th ed.). New York, NY: The McGraw-Hill Irwin Companies, Inc. Lockyer, S. (2004). Coding Qualitative Data. Retrieved from The Sage Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods, v. 1, 137-138. Thousand Oaks, Calif.