To complete this worksheet, select:
Module: Support and Movement Activity: Anatomy Overviews Title: Joints
1. a. From the main Joints page, click Fibrous Joints and identify each of the following structural joint types.
A. Suture
B. Syndesmoses
C. Gomphosis
b. Why are sutures and gomphoses classified as synarthroses?
Both sutures and gomphoses are classified as synathroses because they are boh immovably fixed joints between bones
c. Syndesmoses are functionally a bit different. They are classified as amphiarthroses. Explain why.
Amphiarthrosis is a type of joint that is slightly moveable. The fibers are longer and the bones that are connected are able to move more. The connective tissue is more dense and more distance between articulating surfaces.
2. a. Return to the main Joints page and click Cartilaginous Joints. Identify each of the following.
Synchondroses are joints bound by hyaline cartilage. An example of synchondroses
Is the temporary joint formed in a child between the diaphysis and epiphysis
Symphysis –
Symphysis is where two ones are connected by fibrocartilage
b. Describe the role of hyaline and fibrocartilage in each of these types of joints.
3. a. Once again, from the main Joints page, click Synovial Joints and identify each of the following:
A. Articulating bones______________________
C. Articular cartilage_____________________
D. ligament____________________________
E. Articular capsule_____________________ F.Fibrous capsule______________________ G. Synovial membrane___________________
H. Synovial cavity______________________
b. What is the function of the articular capsule?
c. What is the synovial cavity?
d. What is the function of