There will be 30 people going on this trip and 10 are students from a local school looking to get an offshore experience in helping others. Non-Christian program being affected by a Christian initiative. That’s God at work! But this hasn’t always been affective approach. There are some challenges to consider.
Evangelism in the marketplace brings along some rules. Rules which require the evangelist to understand their rights. And more importantly the need to understand how to exercise their rights. However, never compromising their witness before God and those they encounter. There are spaces were freedom of speech covers our ability to share with anyone. But there is always needs to be a Christians who knows to respect Caesar while still paying homage to God. The challenge is figuring out when is it ok to probe and when should you back off and provide space. In conclusion, trust in God because in the end as long as God is driving you should be perfectly ok with the direction your going. So learn the background of the situation your in by becoming culturally aware of the people and their situations. Be empathetic! But also learn to be creative in your approach so that Gods word reaches people where they are.