
Wellness Evaluation

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In my evaluation and analyzation of personal, academic, and social wellness and how it has been inputted into my life I have considered many new ways to better my wellness and live a more effective lifestyle. In this paper, I will be self-reflecting and enlighten how I can use my evaluation and analyzation to better my wellness with the strategies and solutions I have brought forward. During this paper, I will split off into the three main topics of wellness and how they separately affect my life and how I can improve them and have them all successfully coexist. Through my evaluation, I have realized it was possible to balance all your personal, academic and social life without feeling overwhelmed all through management. To support my thesis, …show more content…

As a child, I have had to deal with being abandoned by a vase amount of people who are supposed to be my loved ones. To start, my dad made a life choice to cheat on my mom when I was just born and after made another life choice to tell my mom he could no longer be in my life. Of course, as a child I did not understand much of anything that was going on and was told all of this later in my life when I could fully understand. Another thing I feel impacts me still to this day is being raped by my babysitter as a child which I have never mentioned to anyone but my girlfriend to this day, but I feel I am openly ready to share that I was. This probably mentally dismays me more than anything but I do feel the issues with my dad have had a bigger impact on me. These are the things in the past that I’ve had to get through to better my personal wellness. The reason I would consider this all personal wellness is because for a large amount of my life I have been stressed about the ongoing situations in my life that it has caused me to be unhappy. I would say the one thing that has affected me the most that corresponds with my dad are the relationships I have been in. The summary …show more content…

This could be said to be my biggest issue because it has a huge effect on my academic wellness and personal wellness. How it effects my academic wellness is by taking so much time put towards persuading people to let me in and value me which is what hurts my personal wellness because it makes me almost sick to do this and I feel so unhealthy when I’m at

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