Phonetics is the branch of linguistics that deals with the production of speech by humans and. Phonetics looks at the physical manifestation of language in sound waves: how thers sounds are articulated and perceived. It is the science of speech sounds and the symbols by thich they are shown in writing and printing. This science is based on a study of all the parts of the body concerned in making speech. It includes the positions of the parts of the body necessary for producing spoken workds, and the effect of air from the lungs as it passes through the larynx, pharynx, vocal cords, nasal passages and mouth.
Phonetics sounds (phones) are actual speech sounds classified by the manner and place of articulation (that is by the way in which air is forced through the mouth and shaped by the tongue, teeth, palate, lips and in some languages by the uvula. The [r] of run and far are phonetically different because they are articulated differently. A phonetic system must indicate whether a vowel sound is long or short, runded, diphthongal (that is consiss of two sounds) or retroflex (made with the tip of the tongue curled up toward the palate). In addition the movement from one position to another, or glides, must be represented must be reprensented, stress pattern and pauses must e more exactly indicated, and pitch or intonation may also be noted.
Phonology on the other hand is central representation of sounds as part of a symbolic cognitive system; how abstract sound categories are manipulated in the processing of language. Therefore one can rightly say that phonetics is part of phonology because the former is intricately linked to the latter which is wider and broader in scope. phonology studies the patterns of sounds and their different positions in words
Phonetics and phonology are concerned with the forms of speech sounds. Sound can differentiate the meanings of the words. Phonetics studies actual sound by analyzing and
References: Compton 's Encyclopedia No. 19: 1981 by F.E Compton Company, Division of Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc Encyclopedia Britannica Vol (IV) (1978) London S. Dictionaries – The Art and Craft of Lexicography (1996), Cambridge, Melbourne World Book Encyclopedia, (1990) World Book Incorporation, Chicago