Another concern that commonly arises is the respect for Muslim patients privacy and modesty.
In a hospital setting where there is little modesty, it is vital for hospital workers to go above and beyond to respect the Modesty of Muslim patients. In effort to respect the modesty of a Muslim patient, it may prevent you from caring for the patient as you would normally. Many tasks, such as bathing, toileting, and dressing has to be reconsidered. From experience, I've noted that allowing a caregiver of the same sex to handle such tasks is much more respectful than assigning these tasks to someone of the opposite sex. It also respectful to allow a spouse and/or family member to perform these tasks in the absence of healthcare professional of the same sex. Sometimes as healthcare providers we forget that providing with dignity and respect is just as important as providing care. We may not always agree with our patient's religious beliefs or customs, but as healthcare providers, it is our responsibility to respect their beliefs as well as provide them with excellent