Jim crow laws were state laws made to keep blacks and white separate. The name came from before the civli war even took place. a white actor Thomas Darmouth who would perform minstrel acts called “Jim Crow”. Thomas would practice blackface and act as a dumb slave on stage. Somehow years after the name jim crow came back and would supperise blacks for years. Jim crow …show more content…
There were never any laws against the KKK but millions of laws against blacks. All blacks knew to be in the house before it got dark outside. As whites (KKK) would go out at night and terrorized blacks. They would terrioze them by ridning around at night and buring things. Jim crow laws would prohibit blacks from being close to whites but wouldn’t prohibit whites from lynching blacks.
Blacks were in fear of what whites could do to them because they had no one on their side besides themselves. Cops could pull over blacks just because they wanted to. Jim crow gave whites the power to do whatever they wanted. No onw could say anything because it was the “law”. The law was written and was to be followed but there were also unwritten rules that blacks knew to follow.
Whites made jim crow laws and they made common senmce rules. Like if a white is walking on the sidewalk as a black , the blacks should move out of the way of the whites. A big unwritten rule was to not be outside at night. At night blacks were free game for whites to terrioze. At night is when lynching and burings would take place. Whites were the predatore and blacks were the prey. Blacks would be lucky to make it though the night. Or even make it out of jim