The first risk that could impact a person’s wellness and physical fitness is Bad eating habits. These days with so many fast food places appearing all over the place people are losing sight of eating healthy. Families used to make homemade nutritional dinners, but now many order in for pizza or go out to a local McDonald’s for cheap and quick dinner. Many people don’t realize the type of impact …show more content…
bad eating habits have on your Physical and Mental health. Bad eating habits can cause many diseases along the lines of diabetes and heart diseases. Most cancers can be traced back to bad eating habits. Bad eating habits cause toxins to build up in your body and can cause mutations which are cancerous. Bad eating habits can also cause Omega-3 which can lead to depression because of the fact that it reduces serotonin levels in the brain. Vitamin deficiencies can also occur and that leads to headaches and forgetfulness. Bad eating habits include eating way too much sugar. If you eat too much sugar you can’t burn it off as easily and it may be the cause of weakness, fatigue, and unhappiness. If a person wants better wellness and physical fitness they must have decent eating habits.
Another health risk that may impact your wellness and physical fitness is smoking and/or drugs. Smoking and drugs impact your health in tremendous ways. Smoking causes most cases of lung cancer. When you smoke tar builds up in your lungs and makes it hard to breathe while doing simple tasks such as walking up and down stairs or grocery shopping. If you have asthma smoking can trigger an asthma attack or make them worse when you get them. Smoking can also cause asthma even if you don’t previously have it. Drugs impact your health in both physical and mental ways. You can overdose on drugs and they can cause you to become so lazy and never do anything to stay fit. A person may have a bad reaction to some drugs and get very paranoid and scared or do something stupid in public which could cause injuries to themselves and others.
The third health risk that can affect wellness and physical fitness is stress management. if you don’t manage stress correctly you may do things such as start having bad eating habits, start smoking, or do drugs. Stress puts a lot of pressure on people and they will look for anything to help. Stress eating is a very bad thing to do. When some people get stressed they just eat and eat and can develop many disease from this and become obese. Stress can make someone easily agitated, feel overwhelmed, and someone may have difficulty relaxing. It can also cause loneliness, depression, and a person to have a very low self-esteem. Stress has a major impact on your health.
The fourth risk to physical health and wellness is whether or not you get a good night of sleep which can range from 8-10 hours depending on whether you're an adult or child.
If you do not get the recommended eight hours of sleep then you are very groggy and exhausted throughout the day. Being tired may cause accidents, whether they be in a car or at work/school. Lack of sleep can cause an irregular heartbeat, strokes, and heart disease. Deprivation of sleep can also cause chronic depression. Not sleeping long enough may also be the cause of gaining weight because it increases your appetite. Lack of sleep is a risk to your health even if it seems like …show more content…
Not being physically active is the biggest risk to your wellness and physical fitness. By not being physically active you have a better chance of having sleeping problems which may cause obesity. If you don’t exercise then you don’t burn off fats and sugars as quickly as people who do which can also cause obesity. Not being physically active may cause Coronary Heart Disease. It may also be the cause of strokes, osteoporosis, stiff joints, and little energy. Not being physically active can also cause weak bones and bad posture. If you are not physically active then you have a much greater risk at many diseases and health issues.
There are many things you can do to prevent bad physical fitness and pour wellness.
First you need to set a diet plan and stick to it. Your plan should include a lot of water and fresh fruits and vegetables. Next, you need to make sure you stay away from drugs and if you are a smoker, it is best for your health if you quit right away. Smoking and drugs are some of the worst risks to your mental and physical health. The third thing you can do to help your physical fitness and wellness is to manage your stress. You need to find a good way to destress because stress may cause bad eating habits, sleepless nights, and or may make you want to try smoking or drugs. Another thing you can do to prevent pour wellness and physical fitness is to get the recommended 8-10 hours of sleep per night. If you don´t get enough sleep you may be irritable and you won't want to be as physically active as you should be. The best thing to do would be to set a ¨bedtime¨ for yourself and try as hard as you can to go to bed at that time. The last and most crucial component to your wellness and physical fitness is to stay physically active. Whether it's walking the dog around the block or going to the gym for an hour, any type of physical activity will help prevent many diseases and health