
What Are The Five Major Events Of The 20th Century

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What Are The Five Major Events Of The 20th Century
The five major Canadian events of the 20th century that I would include as Heritage Minutes are The Great Depression, the Confederation of 1867, the Canadian Charter of Right and Freedoms, Canada entering World War II, and the Women’s Suffrage Movement.
I think that The Great Depression should be a Heritage Minute because it had a massive global impact and revealed new policies that needed to be put in place. This time period caused the unemployment rate to increase by 25%. There were no social or economic policies in place at the time to help people survive, thus many people committed suicide. All of this adds up to a huge impact not only in Canada but globally as well. While The Great Depression was prominently considered a disaster, it was also an opportunity in some ways. This time period opened many people’s eyes and revealed that new policies needed to be put in place. Therefore the social safety net was created, which provides housing, food coupons, and some jobs for the needy which helped to reduce poverty.
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When the British North America Act was passed in 1867, the British North American colonies were united and the country of Canada was created. This was the beginning of the story of Canada and paved the way for all that we've become. After the American Civil War, the British North American Colonies seemed very vulnerable to attack from the United States. If the colonies were to come together and become one united country, they would be much stronger and would be better equipped to defend themselves from a United States attack. This was part of the rationale behind

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