Experiment 626, also known as Stitch, is an illegal experiment created by Jumba Jookiba. Jumba Jookiba is a scientist who makes many genetic creations, and he was accused of making illegal genetic experiments which the experiments were uncovered. Jumba was later incarcerated for prohibition the law of creating genetic experiments. In the beginning, Stitch was also known as the protagonist of the movie, because his instincts is to destroy everything he touches. Experiment 626 was genetically engineered to be indestructible and the most villainous alien in the galaxy. Stitch was being put into trial by the United Galactic Federation for his mischief actions in a peaceful population, he was given a chance to redeem himself in trial but was very disrespectful to the Grand Councilwoman. …show more content…
Unfortunately, Lilo’s parents went out for a drive on a rainy day and never came back home, which left Lilo under Nani’s custody. Since Lilo doesn’t really have any friends and only has a sister she has been wishing for an angel to be her friend and to guide her from rights and wrongs. In Lilo’s dance class, she has been struggling with making friends,because one girl is very mean to her and isolates Lilo from the rest of the girls. Nani overhears that Lilo is wishing for a friend and decides that she should let Lilo adopt a dog, the “dog” that Lilo adopts is Stitch. Since Stitch disguised himself as a dog, Lilo convinces herself that Stitch is from Heaven and will be her angel. In reality, Stitch is nothing like an angel and is a complete monster that Lilo and Nani grow to love as a family