which those lies make a big impact on so many different lives whether they're innocent
or guilty . Many of the people throughout the play the teens lied about most of the
people that were put on trial for their own benefits. Those lies over power the truth told
by the women accused of being a witch. In this play the truth did not set the women free
but made them look like fools.
Telling a lie can tell you a million thing about a character's past and future but the
way the girls do it is for personal benefit. They want to get out of trouble for the things
they did in the forest. The women they accused had done nothing wrong they were just
accused …show more content…
The truth did eventually set these women free but at the cost of the lives of the
girls who lied were ruined and those who loved them. John says to Danforth to save his
DANFORTH: You---you are a lecher?
PROCTOR: … A man will not cast his good name. you surely know that.
DANFORTH: In --- in what time? In what place?
PROCTOR: … Where my beasts are bedded. On the last night of my joy, some
eight months past. She used to serve me in my house… my dear good wife took
this girl soon after, sir, and put her out on the highroad... She looks to dance with
me on my wife's grave!...
DANFORTH: You deny every scrap and tittle of this?
ABIGAIL: If i must answer that, I will leave and i will not come back again! (1146)
Proctor told the truth about his affair he had with Abigail so that judge Danforth would
see the reason that Abby is accusing Elizabeth. Abigail would not admit this in fear that
she would get in trouble and she would rather leave than tell the truth. After the the fact
that abby was using these trials for personal gain everyone changed their