“Those closest to the explosion died instantly, their bodies turned to black char.” (U.S. Department of Energy) On August 6 of 1945 USA dropped the world’s first atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. This bomb killed around 166000 people and was called “Little Boy”. This atomic bomb changed Truman’s attitude. There are people that think that the war was caused because the bomb encouraged Truman seek confrontation with U.S.S.R. When Truman had the bomb his attitude at the conference became aggressive and of confrontation. He also changed from pro-Soviet advisors to anti-communist advisors. And finally he dropped the bomb on Hiroshima to get the Japanese surrender quickly, before Stalin had the opportunity to enter to the war in …show more content…
(CM, October 15 of 2013) There was a “Domino” theory prominent from 1950 to 1980 that believed that if one country became communism because was imposed or elected, the countries that are near the one that is communism will have a domino effect, this means that the surrounding countries will also became communism. This domino theory was used by the USA administration during the Cold War to in some way justify the intervention the USA made around the world. USSR did not like what USA was doing because they were communist at that point that Stalin went to Eastern Europe and do not follow the conditions of Potsdam conference and impose the communism in all that