Every organization has a culture which is a set of beliefs, values andstandard that set the quality for how employees are to act, how work is to bedone, and what image to represent to the world.The Ritz-Carlton has a strong culture whereas others are less welldefined. Ritz-Carlton motto “We are Ladies and Gentlemen serving Ladiesand Gentlemen. According to Simon Cooper, the President and Chief Operating Officer of Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, LLC, they chose the mottobecause they don’t want their employees to think of themselves as a servile;their employees might not have the wealth, knowledge or education of their guest but they do have the same values. Cooper added culture keeps thecompany functioning at high levels, while keeping it profitable and enabling itto win awards; Ritz-Carlton culture is about the relentless and unremittingdesire to deliver world class service. However, Ritz-Carlton may be faced asubstantial challenges if the culture has change. Here are some of thechallenges:
When corporate culture no longer supports the business strategy, change isneeded. Ritz-Carlton may needs to do a lot of research to find out why exactlyculture change is necessary for them. Besides of that, they also need to avoidthe negative effect which may affect employees’ job performance.
Employees might affected by the change of the culture. For instance, their employees might not be work efficiently and may have a negative attitude.Furthermore, employees afraid that they might have to do things that theyhave never done before or even lose the jobs because of the culture changewhich is the most powerful restraining force. Ritz-Carlton does not ‘hire’employees; they ‘select’ new members for the Ritz-Carlton team. Ritz-Carltonselects candidates by looking at their attitudes and values, instead of skillsand experience. If candidates have years of experience but do not fit in withthe