Good evening toastmaster and guest speakers. Tonight I will deliver a speech that tackles the transition of students into the working world, a usually very tough transition that is. And I feel like bestowing something inspiring upon you all.
I am in my final year of my Bachelor of Science degree and am completing a triple major and what was possibly a quadruple major. This is not because I am super smart but rather because I have no idea what I really want to do with my life and because I had to take an extra year at Rhodes due to an amazing opportunity to spend last semester on exchange in the States.
We all want to make a comfortable living right? Have that flat screen TV across the wall of your lounge inside your grand house and to throw some paper around every Friday night because of course it’s bands that make her dance, that is rubber bands around stacks of cash. But what if I were to propose to you that money were no object? You have that awesome house, you have that flat screen TV, you have every material thing you need and want. What then? What would you do? You’ve tried sitting at home doing nothing for a while and your friends and girlfriends have to work for a living every week day so you are at home alone with many hours of spare time on your hands. That is what I want you to think about tonight: What do you really want to do with your life? This is because, forget the money (very hard to do but let me explain why [point]). If you say that money is the most important thing, you will spend your entire life completely wasting your time. You’ll be doing things you don’t like or even hate, like accounting (no offense to those of you studying accounting). You will be doing this day after day, earning money