While the notion that inhumane treatment of others can sustain a stable and prosperous union may seem absurd, historically speaking, it has been a successful method in cultivating unity and balance. Namely Cesare Borgia, whose “cruelty had brought order to Romagna, united it, restored it to peace and obedience.” Whereas the benevolence of the people of Florentine ultimately led to the demise of Pistoia and similarly, the armies of Scipio rebelled a reluctance to mandate strong retribution. In other words, excessively merciful regimes provoke chaos, resulting in disarray and inevitably collapsing the system in place. …show more content…
Nevertheless, it is crucial for those in power to retain support and admiration from the citizenry. To enumerate, Machiavelli states that in order to achieve this balance of love and cruelty, one must only execute punishment when it is obvious and just. The value in creating a harmonious relationship between two contradictory methods of rule is priceless as it offers a safeguard for continued rule. Be that as it may, it’s important to note that, “dread of punishment…will never abandon