Respect as defined by the ARMY values is defined as, “treat people as they should be treated” I believe that this is true but that there is more to it than that. Respect to me is about doing what is asked of you without back talk or argument, talking to someone as they should be talked to i.e. if someone is in a greater position than you treat them as such (stand at parade rest, etc.) Respect is a very important quality that we are taught and start learning at a very young age. Its how we learn to respect those who are older than us and those who are in charge. Without respect the world would be in utter chaos since no one would listen to anyone and we wouldn't be able to function in …show more content…
the work field or even in regular society.
It means being treated with consideration and esteem and to be willing to treat people similarly. It means to have a regard for other peoples' feelings, listening to people and hearing them, i.e. giving them one's full attention. Even more importantly, respect means treating one with dignity. Respect is the opposite of humiliation and contempt as well as disregard for ones feelings or beliefs. Respect is a huge part of ARMY life as well it can make someone an amazing soldier or if shown that one does not respect others it can make the best soldier look like the worst soldier out there regardless of there amazing abilities in any other category.
Trust is defined as “reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence. The condition of one to whom something has been entrusted.” Trust to me is also the ability to open up to someone and know that they are going to be able to not turn around and let anyone and everyone know. Trust is also the ability that allows someone in greater position or someone in charge to know that even if they are not going to be present that you can and will accomplish …show more content…
what is asked of you. Its being given something valuable and knowing that the other person can let their mind be at ease because of your character. Trust is a thing that is hard earned and easily taken away. It is a normal part of the human condition to be constantly forecasting ahead. We build internal models of the future and people both based on our experiences and what others tell us, and then use these to guess what will happen next. This allows us to spot and prepare for threats and also make plans to achieve our longer-term goals.As a society living in the century we are trust is very hard to come by because ones trust can easily be misused with just the click of a button. In the same note though without trust we would force ourselves to handle everything ourselves and work loads would take twice as long or would require more people to supervise every step. Trust I believe is attainable even after its broken but with saying that I also believe that even if it is earned again that it will never be as strong as it was prior to being broken so you must work twice as hard to keep it instilled. Trust also means having the ability to trust yourself because if you cant trust yourself how is someone else supposed too. I also think that trust becomes harder to give out if your trust has been used and broken but that you must keep trying to develop the ability to open yourself up to people and to be able to let people in to help. Trust is another huge part of the ARMY due to being given important tasks while higher-levels handle tasks handed to them and giving them the ability to know it will be accomplished and accomplished correctly.
I believe that respect should be earned the same way that it should given.
Respect is a 2-way street if you want others to respect you, you've to respect others first. Respect is also earned by being good at what you do. Everyone loves competent people, especially those who present their best work all the time. If you preform at your best at all times it can earn you respect in the eyes of your supervisors since they do not have to sit there and go over your work where they might have to with others. No one likes a dishonest or unreliable person. A well respected individual is one who is honest in their communications and can be trusted to do what they promised. Also you must respect yourself, if you don't respect yourself, you can't hope to earn respect from others. Actions speak louder than words, a respected person is the one who inspires others to achieve their best and enables them to unlock their highest potential. Trust is earned by your actions and time, people have to know they can count on you almost like a trial period before they can fully trust you. Be on time being consistently late sends a very loud message, not just about your reliability, but about your lack of respect for and commitment to the other people who have to wait for you. Trust also means if you have an issue with someone, work it out with them, don't go and gossip about it to everyone else. Admitting your mistakes is a good start because it demonstrates honesty, and taking full responsibility
by dealing with the consequences of your mistakes and taking full advantage of the opportunity to learn will help build peoples trust in you. Trust is also earned by how you present yourself, regardless of what anyone can say people a judgmental which means if you are trying to earn trust or respect from someone then you need to show that to people in how you present yourself or in the actions you participate in or the group of people you surround yourself with.
This to me is what I believe that trust and respect are and how it should be earned, and in closing this I would just like to state that I will be working extra hard to build back my reputation and show everyone that I am not a quitter and that I am an outstanding soldier.