
What Happened To Thomas Jefferson's Rebellion Necessary?

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What Happened To Thomas Jefferson's Rebellion Necessary?
Thomas Jefferson once said, "I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical." He and the other founding fathers knew very well what that meant. They lived it during the Revolution, and they succeeded. Their rebellion against the British king was punishable by death. Had they done nothing, they might have even benefitted at the expense of the people, but they were willing to disobey the law and face the consequences of what was viewed as wrong to do what they knew was right. Their rebellion served to show the king that he couldn't simply push them around however he pleased, and it established the principle that if government does not heed the requests of its people, …show more content…
In that circumstance, we would no longer be a democracy or even a republic, but a tyranny, a country in which citizens are underlings and a corrupt government is the absolute authority. It would be just as it was in the days of the colonies. Today, as citizens with no real political power other than through indirect representation, what can we do to make our voices heard? Peaceful protest against unjust laws is necessary to indicate what we as citizens want to see in our government. A world without peaceful rebellion against tyranny would be a world in which government could do whatever it wants to get whatever it wants by whatever means necessary, and citizens would be able to do nothing about it. And now some people believe that there is nothing we can do, but as Edmund Burke put it, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." If there is a real problem with the way the government is working, it is not only the right but also the responsibility of good people to act and to make their concerns known. Sometimes the only way to get the attention of those in power is through rebellion. Take Edward Snowden for

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