A. Butterfly-their role in the environment helps with flowers pollunating, and providing a source of fod for certain animals. If butterflies are missing from an environment you’ll be able to tell. Butterflies help us by contolling the pest and pollunating.
B. Lacewing-their role in the environment is removing aphids from the environment. Lacewings can consume approxamately sixty aphids per hour. Lacewings helps to keep insects off of the plants that humans consume.
C. Fly-their role in the environment helps recycle dead waste. Flies lay their eggs on flowers and plants. They benefit humans by helping pollunate and reduce certain pests on plants.
2. Describe differences in the diversity between campus and the ditch for 2017. Explain why there are differences in the diversity. …show more content…
There are differences in the diversity because of the human traffic, the recent hurricane, the close proximity to water, and the levels of the grass/plants.
3. Discuss indices results between collection years at the ditch, do they give the same results in terms of diversity? Are their notable differences in the presence and abundance of insects between years? Why?
Data shows that in terms of diversity, the results are in the same range of each other. The number of caddisflies decreased greatly from 2016(ditch) to 2017(ditch), while the number of flies greatly increased. The reason for this change in diversity id due to the hurricane that impacted the insect’s environment along with the food chain being effected.
4. Design an experiment that uses a diversity index to characterize differences in a community of organisms affected by human disturbance. Include variables, and results that may