Technology Management
Course Outline MG 6013 Organizational Behavior
Spring 2013
Anne-Laure Fayard
Thursdays: 5:30 to 8:00 PM – JAB 777
To contact professor:
Dibner Library Building, 4th floor
Phone: 718-260-4080
Office hours: By appointment
Course Description The purpose of this course is to increase your effectiveness in understanding and leading behavior in organizations. The course provides you with the opportunity to learn from other course participants, learn from readings (whether inside the course readings or available from external sources), learn from corporate examples, and, above all, learn to think deeply about how you can act to lead people, groups and corporations so that they are more successful and add value to the world in which we live. To be an effective leader, one needs to develop some specific skills but one also needs to understand the context in which one lives, works and interacts. Thus, during the course, we will not only discuss the individual skills you need to have in order to manage people and work in high-performing teams, but we will also try to understand the organizational context – e.g. organizational culture, how to introduce and manage change in organizations.
This course addresses fundamental management issues, drawing on concepts from the behavioral and social sciences and current organizational research. The course includes reading, case analysis, interactive exercises, class discussion, a team report and presentation, and a group exam. These experiences serve as reflective exercises for you. Use them to challenge yourself and your classmates to become more effective leaders.
Course Objectives 1. Introduce current concepts and principles from social science to leadership issues in organizations. 2. Apply these concepts to personal and work situations.