December 1, 2014
Period 1
What is an American? To be an American is to be many things. No matter where you come from initially or who you are, to be an American is to be a part of something exceptional, something unique, something to be proud of. Besides the literal aspect of being born in America or moved here, to be an American is something that comes from inside. This is a land of freedom and chance, a place for everyone willing to do their part and make this the American dream once again. When people think of America today, generally they get the idea of freedom, love, and hope. Many people move to America for all these things and with doing that they strive to learn what makes us so diverse. They want to learn how they can be an American too. To be an American is to be free. With freedom comes great responsibility. When I think of America I think of the soldiers running into combat, knowing they were going to be executed, but running there nonetheless to grasp the pole of our flag upright. To be an American is to be valiant and courageous, to fight for what you know and believe is right, and to never back down. Unlike other countries, this country is made up of immigrants. Everyone's ancestors worked so hard to get to this country. Many people started out with nothing and worked their way up in society because they could. They had the power to be what they wanted and to do what they wanted. America is the idea that anyone can accomplish anything, that this country is full of equal opportunity, not of equal outcomes, is a vital belief that expresses what it means to be an American. J. Hector St. John De Crevecoeur says is best when he writes “Here all individuals of all races are melted into a new race of man, whose labors and posterity will one day cause changes in the world.” America is a place of teaching the young children of the world how to be better, more successful. We strive to help make them the great leaders of the world one day. We