An electronic portfolio is an interactive online tool which allows you to present a comprehensive overview of your accomplishments, skills and experiences. It’s a place where you can compile your resume and samples of your work for prospective employers. The objective of this paper is to analyze the value of developing an electronic career portfolio. The learning goals are to:
1. Familiarize myself with the concept of creating an electronic portfolio,
2. Apply and understand research methods, design, data analysis, and interpretations.
3. Communicate effectively in a variety of formats
4. Use of critical thinking skills
5. Demonstrate the use of technology in creating a portfolio
6. Learn how to create my own well develop electronic career portfolio.
In today’s 21st century business environment e-portfolios are becoming a recruiting tool of choice by employers, it gives them the power to find the applicant that possesses the exact qualifications they need and those who will fit the organization culture. It also showcases the applicants’ strength, competencies and personality in a way that traditional resume do not (Rowh, M. 2008). E-portfolio can be a cost effective and a time saving tool both for Human Resource managers’ and employees. Recruiters can use this tool to access information about the potential employees and not having to pay for space in a newspaper with limited reach, whereas with e-portfolio they can access a larger pool of applicants at the click of a mouse.
Unlike the traditional form of recruiting e-portfolio covers a more global range of applicants, it not only focuses on the individual professional qualifications but highlights the applicants’ social, learning and self competencies. It also indentifies the prospective employees’ personality traits which will give the recruiting manager an idea of the applicant talent and whether he/she would have the ability to cope with the task. Although e-portfolio can be an