Bowlby’s description for attachment theory as a means for significant affectionate attachment bonds, created between people, where many types of emotional distress and personal diagnoses can be formed when this bond is lacking and/or separation is present or loss occurs (Berry & Danquah, 2015; Bowlby, 1977). This significance is developed from infancy between infants and their primary caregivers. This time period and proper attachment is pivotal in the development of a person’s mental reflection of the self in connection to others in significant relationships. This allows an opportunity to provide insight into attention, interpretation, and prediction of interpersonal relationships in future interactions. Follan and Minnis (2009) explained that during …show more content…
A greater challenge in the development with primary caregivers will result in increased difficulty to develop trust in the therapeutic alliance (Bowlby, 1977). It was noted that parents subject to cause neglect and or maltreatment, or reject a child for any reason would likely omit or falsify vital information needed in the assessment (Bowlby, 1977). This was meant to save face as a means to avoid judgement or blame, sometimes unconsciously and other times consciously. Society holds such a strong ( ) on the role of the parent/guardian that to not be “perfect’ parent ( ). Bowlby (1977, p. 422) explained:
“A common method of keeping family disturbances secret is to attribute the symptoms to some other cause; he is afraid of boys at school (not that mother may take her life); she suffers from headaches and indigestion (not that mother threatens to desert if she leaves home); he was difficult from birth (not that he was unwanted and neglected); she is suffering from an endogenous depression (not that she is belatedly mourning a father many years