Cancer is one word that no one wants to hear. It can bring a lot of fear and confusion toward many families who have a member death of cancer. Usually, it is more happen in adults, but that was few cases, cancer has also been diagnosed in children too.
Cancer is simply a disease of the cells in which bad cells multiply themselves and grow into tumors and even affect all other body organs. There are many types of cancer, but cancer is a huge issue everywhere in the world today. It is also very technical which mean it is not easy to understand even though there are great advancements in cancer management. There is still a lot of research going on with cancer to find out more about it.
There are millions of people worldwide who are living with cancer or have had cancer. According to estimates, around half of all American men and one third of all American women will develop cancer during their lifetimes. A healthy lifestyle with regular physical activity, healthy diet, maintenance of healthy weight and staying away from tobacco, sun exposure and other known cancer causing substances can help reduce the risk of getting cancers.
Some cancers also have effective screening tests. This helps in detection of common cancers as early as possible. Early treatment often means better chances of recovery and response to anti cancer therapy. Common examples of this are breast cancer and colon cancer screening that saves thousands of lives each year. (Dr Ananya Mandal, MD, 2013)
2. What is cancer?
Cancer is a term used for diseases in which abnormal cells spread without control and are able attack other tissues of our body. Cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems. Cancer is not just one disease but many diseases. There are many different types of cancer and are named based on where the tumor is located, or where it first started growing in the body. For example, cancer that begins in the colon is called
References: 1. National Cancer Institute. (2013). What is cancer?. Available: Last accessed 22 Feb 2013. 2. Dr Ananya Mandal, MD. (2013). What is cancer?. Available: Last accessed 22 Feb 2013. 3. 4. eSchooltoday. (2010). Common Types of Cancer. Available: Last accessed 22 Feb 2013. 5. TEJAS SHANKAR. (2012). 636 Words Essay on Breast Cancer. Available: Last accessed 22 Feb 2013.