Competency Goal III
To support social and emotional development and to provide positive guidance
Functional Area Candidate provides physical and emotional security for each child
8: Self and helps each child to know, accept, and take pride in himself or herself and to develop a sense of independence.
In my preschool / I treat each child as an individual. All children have different rates of development and different personalities. Knowing this can help us be patient. I show children that I really care about them by accepting each child as an individual. This will help children during hard times. My preschool / day care …show more content…
In my preschool / day care, I answers quickly and calmly to avoid children from hurting other. I teach good sense of responsibility and respect .They will help them try to make new friends even if it’s so hard for them. Children's play develops through stages (playing alone, playing near others but not with them, playing with others but not sharing, playing and sharing, playing with a purpose, organized games). With this will also encourage them to ask, give and receive help from another.
Functional Area Candidate provides a supportive environment in which children can
10: Guidance begin to learn and practice appropriate and acceptable behavior as individuals and as a