Critism is * Judging faults and merits of something or someone in a negative or intelligible way * Expression of an objection of someone or something based on perceived faults or mistakes * Can be verbal (expressed in language) or non-verbal (expressed through actions)
Varieties of Criticism
(A) Constructive Criticism * Type of feedback that people give to others to help them improve their performance or efficiency * Making the criticism is not necessarily deemed wrong, it is to show that the same goal could be better achieved via a different route * Draw attention to how an identified problem could be solved or how it could be solved better * In short, it is suggestions for improvement and opportunities for an individual to learn and grow
(B)Destructive Criticism * To show that the point of view of someone else has no validity at all * Does not point on to how they can improve their performance * Hurts an individual’s self esteem as criticism is negative * It is regarded as unjustifiable, especially if it involves personal attacks on people Constructive Criticism | Destructive Criticism | An employee is new on the job and learning skills that he has not learned before, constructive critism will help him to master the skills more effectively | “You’ve worked hard on this, but I notice a few things that could be improved. Perhaps we can work on them together?” | “You’ve spent way too much time on this, and still havent got it right. Hiring you is a wrong choice.” |
How to give and take criticisms
When criticizing someone:
1. Focus on only what the person has said or done, not on him/her personally 2. Be specific, do not beat around the bush 3. When criticizing someone, it is good to point out the positives in their work as well
When someone criticizes you:
1. Fight the urge to argue with the person or explain your mistakes.