The use of performance-enhancing drugs have been at the center of attention of an international debate for many years now.Some of the professional athletes have used steroids or other, enhancing drugs to gain an advantage in their sports. The performance-boosting drug is used for athletes to build muscle and gain body weight. Steroids have reached high school athletes and representing a threatening risk to their lives. There are many different types of performance-enhancing drugs and supplements provided. The similar type of drugs provides similar effects as steroids have on the body. They still can all end up with life threatening risk to people later on in their lives because the damage is already done. In addition
the doping has been an issue with athletes since long ago with the Greeks for the Olympians have used to increase their endurance. The use of the illegal substances have helped the athletes grow dramatically and sports organizations have recognized the changes. The doping has changed the sports for many athletes because of the changes in other athletes performances. Also the need of test is being recognized worldwide. In the US many famous athletes that have been caught have lost their titles that they have won by doping.The doping has caused a big issue with the united states with a scandal in the major league baseball.The use of illegal drugs needs to be stopped in sports all around the world.