Professor: Elma Porobic
English 1A
What is happening with today’s youth?!
The main reason I have chosen this theme is recent headline in the newspaper: “Seven young girls got pregnant on their road trip”. When you see a headline like this you start wondering what is happening with today’s youth. What is the reason for behaviour like this?! Wrong parenting, influence of the internet, influence of parents or influence of older friends? Why is today’s youth behaving older than they really are?Are not teenagers too young to be overwhelmed by feelings of despair and hopelessness?
In my opinion, the main reason for lousy youth behaviour in general is bad parenting. Lack of involvement, bad habits, financial problems, marriage problems are some reasons leading to bad behaviour. Could those reasons be the main ones for this behaviour? Lack of involvement with a teen who keeps pushing away could be fatal. If you do not know where he goes after school, who is he spending time with, who his friends are, could lead to losing your child’s trust. Children who do not have a close relationship with a parent are at risk for teen pregnancy, more likely to drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes, and more likely to live secret life. If parents are smokers, alcoholics or drug addicts that also can have a bad effect on their child. Having financial problems in family can result with their child involved in criminal activities.Children are also good imitators, whether good or bad things happening in marriage. If parents in relationship support each other that will reflect on a kid on a good way. If kids see that parents are constantly arguing, yelling, calling each other names or hitting each other, they will probably repeat the same negative behaviours.
Since the Internet opens a world of possibilities for young generation, but also can be very dangerous. There are so many negative effects of internet on today’s youth. Explicit contents and plagiarism, Internet