I am a black female that was born in Trinidad. I identify with the West Indian cultural background, which is the most influential way I define myself. The characteristics and behavior that I display that influences for cultural identities is my accent, the type of food I cook and/or prefer, the type of music I listen to, and some of the events I celebrate. The values that are associated with my cultural membership is education, the school system is very structured and strict, as well as, the importance of education is implemented from early child hood. Also, treating each other, especially our elders with dignity and respect. I.E. if a child is disrespectful to their elders; the community views it as the family did not implement proper …show more content…
I know that some are Christian and catholic faiths. The source of my knowledge is from discussions with my community and my community is small that consist of churches with Christian and Catholic focused.
I do not have any stereotypes or prejudices towards the other cultural groups. I educate myself about my community through discussions and attending different type to churches to learn more about their beliefs. Unfortunately, my community consist of a lot of racism. Within my community, there are KKK members that displayed racism to my and other cultural backgrounds.
Cross-Cultural Norms I honor the integrity of my client’s culture. Clients culture should be respect and social workers should gain knowledge about the client’s culture background. My personal and profession life consist of interactions with people from other cultures. I am very comfortable with interacting with individuals that are culturally different from me. I conduct ongoing conversations with individuals that are culturally different from me about our difference to educate myself and others about our differences. Unfortunately, I do not speak any other