Many of our specific students receive little or no praise, The Children’s Charity (2007) consistently highlight that the home environment and parenting have the greatest impact on children’s outcomes across many domains (Blanden, Greggand, and Macmillan 2006). However, after the family, schools are the …show more content…
most important organisation in the lives of the vast majority of children and young people. The final report of the National CAMHS Review (2008), states that the school setting has a significant impact on children’s mental health and psychological well-being. so they respond particularly positively when they are given it. My students achieve because I believe giving your students praise and encouragement is crucial in fulfilling their potential. I have learnt that even difficult students can be turned around with continued praise and encouragement.
Contemporary research
This study gathered information by direct-observation of my entry level art class it is a small class as are the majority of supported learning classes.
The course is about building confidence in the learners, to experience a variety of media and develop a range of basic skills in art. My learners have varying levels of learning difficulties. The class consists of four males and one female.
The questionnaire focused on verbal and non verbal praise, with careful consideration to the questions. The goal was to maintain high expectations and integrity of the questionnaire whilst modifying the content to address specific difficulties of the students. To modify the questionnaire the number of questions was reduced, using effective vocabulary, students with cognitive difficulty need scaffolding of questions to help support learning. To facilitate students with visual/perceptual and fine motor difficulties enlarging and increasing spacing improves comprehension. The use of symbols was intended to enhance comprehension. I found it difficult to be consistent in my non verbal