in the students to lose out academically and also a lack of support from the adults. Thus, the study in this reading discuss about the effectiveness of using behavioural specific praise in reducing undesirable behaviours.
In this article, a single subject design was used to find out the impact of a student with aggressive behaviour with the increase usage of behaviour specific praise by the teacher.
A baseline assessment was conducted for five days where the teacher used the behaviour specific praise statements before the intervention starts. The purpose of the baseline was to serve as a benchmark for examining what are the changes in the child’s aggressive behaviour, participation and engagement triggered by the intervention. The intervention assessment used the Antecedent-Behaviour-Consequence descriptive method to record the occurrence of dependent variables in each session of twenty minutes and the observations were kept as anecdotal records. The participants of the assessment were Mona the teacher and Tich the student with aggressive behaviour. Before the intervention assessment, Mono was given the result of the baseline assessment and been told about the potential influences of behavioural specific praise on students with behavioural issues. Based on the baseline assessment and discussion with Mona, two conditions were set for this assessment, namely, to start with at least two behavioural specific praise statements and a target to six statements per session. Support and reminder were given to Mona before the session and feedback was given after the session. The results reflected that with the increment of behavioural specific praise statements and decrement of reprimands, the child has
modified his aggressive behaviour to pro-social behaviour.
In order to effectively apply behavioural specific praise strategy, teachers need to consistently make immediate and meaningful praise when an aggressive behaviour has been replace with an appropriate behaviour. Teachers also need to work hand in hand with parents so as to minimise the behavioural issues. Lastly, teachers need to reflect and assess the factors that may limit the effectiveness of behavioural specific praise. The proper application of the behavioural specific praise strategy will help to achieve its objective which is to clearly communicate the expectation of the student. In turn this will helps to reduce the probability of undesirable behaviour. With clear communication in place, the relationship between the educators and students will become more positive and the learning environment becomes more conducive.
Growing up in a traditional Chinese family, my parents live by the old adage: “we, the children, should be contended if we are not reprimanded”. The Asian heritage was also deeply rooted in the education system when Singapore was still developing. Hence, my siblings and I grew up in an environment where affirmation and praises were not commonly heard. Few years ago, I was privileged to be exposed with behavioural specific praises strategy during my interaction with a Korean teacher and I was intrigued by it. Thus, I would like to find out how this educational tool can be conducted and its limitations.