Pheidippides a runner for the Athenians sent message to Sparta help them fight the large Persian force. In response the Spartans said they will not help until their religious festival is over which was when the moon was full (in 10 days). Herodotus states (6.110) that Miltiades was the general that gained the deciding vote from Callimachus to fight the Persians without waiting for the Spartans. Herodotus does not say why the Athenians choose to attack the Persians but with no mention of the Persians cavalry during the battle we can suspect it is because the Persians split up there force for a separate attack. This would then favour the Athenians planax formation as it is weak to cavalry so it would make them decide the face the Persians. During mid battle “the barbarians were victorious” but the two wings containing Athenians and Plataeans defeated the Persians(6.113). Herodotus (6.117) states that 6,400 barbarians died and only 192 Athenians during the battle but it is hard to trust his numbers as he can be bias and exaggerate the numbers but he is the most accurate source about the battle we have so you can clearly see the limitations of the texts. The Persians then fled back to Asia ,the Spartans who arrived too late but praised Athenians for their great feat then went home and the Athenians celebrated this victory for many years …show more content…
You see how important the battle was to the Athenians culturally, socially and politically through the artwork, plays, and buildings still 30 years after the battle. The temple of Nike is an ionic acropolis entrance in Athens as it shows the significance of battle of Marathon to the Athenians culturally. The Athenians building the temple in such a sacred place on the acropolis in Athens for all to see shows the significance of the battle and victory for them. Building it there was a massive honor for the god Nike as the land was very scared and not many temples were built there as shown on the map of acropolis. The chosen site shows you the Athenians want to remember the victory for many generations and they are proud of this victory as they built it as their entrance. In being victorious against the Persians and building the temple in honor of Nike the goddess of victory you see that it was important being victorious in the battle of Marathon as it became a part of their culture to be remembered for generations to come. In honoring Nike you see how big of an influence the gods had on the Athenians and how important religion actually is for