Lydia, a 55 year old women of color was terminated from her computer manufacturing job at Pacifine Technologies, for failure to perform her designated duties according to specifications of her job requirements. In opposition, Lydia believed that her actions were justified due to being forced to work with materials that were potentially harmful her health and safety. Prior to being fired Lydia and other staff members voiced safety concerns to Bud, her direct supervisor. Lydia waged numerous complaints in written form pertaining to work conditions. Even though he was aware that her claims were valid and warranted investigation, all of her concerns were intentionally dismissed, due to Bud’s preoccupation with meeting the company’s quota.
Bud and upper management viewed Lydia and her incessant complaining as a …show more content…
Rights, refer to elements of life to which humans are entitled. Rights imply pervasive concepts that coalesce between parties in the form of binding obligations and the imposition of moral duties. That being said, human beings are not entitled to employment in businesses that operate in a free market economy; however employers such as Pacifine are obligated to ensure that safe and equal working conditions exist for its employees.
As Thiroux, & Krasemann (2012) reminds us, “It is common knowledge that prejudice and discrimination against Jews, African Americans, Hispanics, Asian American, other minority groups, and women have been going on for hundreds of years” (p. 330). However, race may not be a primary issue in this case. “At some level, perhaps intuitively, people know when they are being treated unfairly (Thiroux, & Krasemann, 2012, p. 106). It’s more likely, that Lydia’s grievances were centered on a perceived violation of rights and the obligation of her employer to insure that her rights were