What is the meaning of Affirmative Action?
An active effort to improve the employment or educational opportunities of members of minority groups and women. In the U.S., the effort to improve the employment and educational opportunities of women and members of minority groups through preferential treatment in job hiring, college admissions, the awarding of government contracts, and the allocation of other social benefits.
a. Why do we have Affirmative Action? Affirmative action was designed to counteract the lingering effects of generations of past discrimination. The main criteria for inclusion in affirmative action programs are race, sex, ethnic origin, religion, disability, and age.
Affirmative action began as a government remedy to help, educate, and improve employment opportunities for members of minority groups and for women. There were policies, programs and procedures developed to give preferences to minorities and women.
b. Will these policies continue to benefit minorities and women?
Personally, I hope they continue to expand and show improvement within the workforce. There are many of us who have stepped outside that stereo- typed "box" and have tried to improve themselves by getting the education and saying no when offered lower, menial positions. I, myself have gone further in my education to improve the skills I had acquired while in the military and other positions held so that I may move upward. But there are and will be many aspects that I will have to continue to prove that knowledge and worth.
What are the basic elements of an Affirmative Action Plan?
1. Determine the extent to which minorities and women are underutilized in major categories
2. Identify and eliminate the specific causes of underutilization
3. Identify and eliminate all employment practices that have an adverse impact on minorities, women and others protected by applicable law and the relationship of which to job performance has
References: http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?book=Dictionary&va=Affirmative+Action http://www.britannica.com/search?query=affirmative+action&submit=Find&source=MWTEXT www.lrc.ky.gov/KRS/067C00/119.PDF http://www.eeoc.gov/facts/fs-ada.html http://www.dol.gov/esa/whd/fmla/index.htm