The story takes place in Harlem in 1987, and depicts a story of a troubled family plagued by poverty. This family scams the government and thrives on a welfare check presented to them every month. Although this may infuriate some, the sad truth is that this way of life is all some people have going for them. We know that because of her dire circumstances, Precious’ education is much less than subpar (she is pregnant with her second child at sixteen and attends junior high school). She is made to believe that there is nothing more she can do with her life other than collect a welfare check. She will always be poor and she will always be stupid. Many people would give up at this point, but not Precious. She fights back and takes matters into her own
The story takes place in Harlem in 1987, and depicts a story of a troubled family plagued by poverty. This family scams the government and thrives on a welfare check presented to them every month. Although this may infuriate some, the sad truth is that this way of life is all some people have going for them. We know that because of her dire circumstances, Precious’ education is much less than subpar (she is pregnant with her second child at sixteen and attends junior high school). She is made to believe that there is nothing more she can do with her life other than collect a welfare check. She will always be poor and she will always be stupid. Many people would give up at this point, but not Precious. She fights back and takes matters into her own