In the Gospel of Matthew (portrayed by a man about a century later), Jesus is portrayed as an individual that
forgives and stands for his people for all eternity. It is here that Jesus is said to establish the church (Coogan, Matthew 16). Jesus declares the coming of God’s power in the Gospel of Mark (portrayed by a lion about a century later). He makes his obedience to God evident when he dies on the cross and liberates the sinful, humanity (Coogan, Mark 10). The Gospel of Luke (portrayed by an ox about a century later) exhibits Jesus who sets free to the oppressed, Jesus that rescues the ones that have gone astray. Also, Jesus that delivers all those enslaved and imprisoned (Coogan, Luke 4, 19). To finish, Jesus exposes what God is truly like to all in the Gospel of John (portrayed by an eagle about a century later). Jesus Christ brings to light that He is the Word of God made in flesh (Coogan, John 1, 14).