
What Is The Relationship Between Romeo And Juliet's Downfall

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What Is The Relationship Between Romeo And Juliet's Downfall
The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare follows the story of two young lovers, forbidden to be together by their family’s ancient feud, who take their own lives for their love. In the play, Romeo and Juliet meet, fall in love, and get married, in secret by Friar Lawrence, within the span of two days. Afterward, Romeo kills Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin, as an act of vengeance for Tybalt’s murder of Mercutio, his best friend and Romeo is then exiled from Verona. Meanwhile, Juliet is arranged to marry Paris who is Mercutio’s relative, leading her to concoct a plan with the Friar to fake her own death to escape her marriage to Paris and escape Verona to be with Romeo. However, she fails to inform Romeo of her plan in time, and hearing …show more content…
For example, in the following line: “Romeo. ...Rosaline...? No./ I have forgot that name and that name's woe.” (Shakespeare 410), Romeo states that he has long-forgotten Rosaline and is now in love with Juliet. This would be a quite acceptable statement for Romeo to make, if he had not only met Juliet the previous night. Romeo proves his fickleness, and how he eagerly jumps into any situation without considering the consequences, a trait that may be considered to be his tragic flaw. Juliet, on the other hand, makes this statement: “Juliet. I have no joy of this contract tonight./ It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden;/Too like the lightning, which doth cease to be…” (Shakespeare 407). Here, Juliet expresses her doubts, showing that she does consider consequences, but doesn’t allow them to influence her decisions, proving herself to be the more deliberate of the couple, but too naïve and to make her own decisions. Even while planning to fake her own death, she expresses her doubts, but goes along with the scheme anyway, simply in her childish hopes of the slim chance of it working. Ultimately, the two falling in love so quickly, and making their decisions in an impulsive, and irresponsible manner, prove to cause Romeo’s and Juliet’s

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