Done, Romeo and Juliet are to blame. They are the cause of their own deaths, they thought they were in love and they killed themselves over it. It’s nobody else’s fault but theirs. Romeo and Juliet are clearly to blame for their own deaths. It’s …show more content…
He falls in “love” to quick. He seems to fall in love to quick because first he is in love with Rosaline and now he is in love with Juliet. He acts to quick before he thinks. He was going to kill himself just because he was going to be banished. He goes to Verona to kill himself not waiting or anything he instantly get poison to kill himself. The Friar even says, “Thou art a fool.” This makes a point in the fact that the Friar even thinks that Romeo falls in love to quick. There are also many flaws in Juliet. Juliet’s major flaw is that she is very stubborn. She refuses to make any good decisions. She also doesn’t listen to her parents at all even if it was for the greater good. Her father states, “Thou art a stubborn wretch.” This shows that she is stubborn even if her parents are trying to help her. Juliet also gets angry with the Nurse. She gets angry with the Nurse because the Nurse suggests that she marry Paris.
All this trouble because two teenagers claimed they were in love. They have no idea what they are dealing with. They met each other within three days and die for each other. They are the ones that caused their own deaths. They made the choice to kill themselves. Therefore they are the ones that caused the final death of Romeo and