
What Is The Stolen Body Theory

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What Is The Stolen Body Theory
The foundation of the Christian faith is the Resurrection. The word resurrection derived from another Greek word which literally means to stand up ( The Resurrection proves who Jesus truly is, which the Son of God (Geisler 131).
There are many theories and questions that people have about the resurrection. The stolen body theory is one that many people think is correct. People believe that the disciples, or another person, stole the body from the tomb. Individuals have very little evidence for this. One piece of evidence is Matthew 28:11-15. This verse shows that the guards could have been bribed (Zacharias 98). Another piece of evidence they believe backs this theory up is the fact that there was an open tomb (Geisler
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Also, the body would have to be disposed of somewhere and there would be a recorded record of someone finding the body after someone tried to hide it (Strobel 48). The disciples obviously did not steal the body because they later died for what they confessed as being true. They would have not died for a lie. Lastly, the theory of the stolen body makes the disciples look like bad people. It is mentioned in the bible that the disciples were good people and not schemers (Geisler 140). The drastically changed behavior of the disciples after the resurrection is another way to show that the resurrection had to have happened. The change in behavior could not have happened without a risen Lord (Zacharias 101). The theory of Jesus not dying on the cross cannot be possible at all. In the book of Mark it says that Jesus had no sleep the night before the Resurrection. In the book of Matthew it states that He could not have held the weight of the cross as well as Jesus was beaten. Jesus’ hands and feet were nailed to the cross. So he could not have gotten away. His side was stabbed with a sword. Jesus hung on the cross from 9 in the morning to at least 3 in the afternoon. Medical …show more content…
The authors of the Gospel claimed to have been either actual eyewitnesses or to have gathered firsthand information to the people who were the eye witnesses. This is states in Luke and John in the Bible. A good point that Christians have is that there is no written evidence from anyone in the first century that speaks against the reports of the Resurrection. If the Resurrection was not true, people would have talked about it in the first century. Also, if the Resurrection was a lie, people would have either completely different of completely the same reports as to what happened. People would copy each other and the views of the Resurrection would not change or the views would not add up correctly. The witnesses to the story were mostly independent of each other. There were thirteen appearances occurring over forty days. This proves that people were not teaming up to make a false story about the Resurrection. The different perspectives of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John strongly suggest that the witnesses were telling the truth (Geisler 137). The Resurrection is so thoroughly documented in history that it is encouraging to know this supernatural event happened. A really good point that tons of Christians use is that not even the Roman authorities or the Jewish leaders claimed he was in his tomb. This proves he had to have resurrected because where did he go? If he “walked away”, where

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