(With a bit of sarcasm) (Especially in the title)
Tim Burton is an american film writer, as well as a producer, artist, writer and animator. He has worked with Johnny Depp (a famous actor) in various films. His film styles are known to be dark, gothic, eccentric, and rather quirky. As shown in Charlie and the Chocolate factory, The nightmare before christmas, The big fish, and Edward scissorhands. Tim Burton uses a variety of cinematic techniques, including but not limited to; a close up shot, music and a boom/crane to effectively display emotions such as love, happiness, eeriness,and desertion to the audience.
To start off, Burton’s films often use a close up shot to display emotions such as happiness and love.. In Edward scissorhands, when Edward is carving an ice angel. Kim is dancing in the flakes as they disengage from the original ice block. The camera immediately zooms in on Kim smiling. This is to express the emotion that Kim is beginning to love Edward. In fact, this is the …show more content…
A boom or crane uses a crane (or a boom) to lift the camera high into the sky. This is used in every one of Burton’s films to express desertion, love, and eeriness. In Edward Scissorhands, a crane shot is used to show the different colored houses with matching colored cars leaving them. This is used to show that the neighborhood is very diverse. Burton used a crane for this shot because it is the only way to get lots of these diverse house and car colors in the shot. In the nightmare before Christmas, when Jack is looking around the town, the camera booms way up into the sky to show a deserted town. Obviously it shows desertion, and a bit of eeriness. To compare scenes, Burton could have done this a lot differently. It could have ended with a gradual boom. Then it could have transitioned back to the halloween town to switch between scenes