From exfoliating microbeads in facial cleansers and body wash to a little something called Triclosan that can be found in sanitizers to even deodorant are extremely dangerous for the environment. Thankfully microbes have been banned by the U.S government for it was closing are water system and appearing in the great lakes. But as for Triclosan, the same can not be said. Triclosan is found in most antibacterial products like hand sanitizer, hand soap, deodorant, and laundry detergent. When triclosan goes down the drain it changes the biochemistry of amphibians and sea life. When it reacts to other chemicals in the waterways
From exfoliating microbeads in facial cleansers and body wash to a little something called Triclosan that can be found in sanitizers to even deodorant are extremely dangerous for the environment. Thankfully microbes have been banned by the U.S government for it was closing are water system and appearing in the great lakes. But as for Triclosan, the same can not be said. Triclosan is found in most antibacterial products like hand sanitizer, hand soap, deodorant, and laundry detergent. When triclosan goes down the drain it changes the biochemistry of amphibians and sea life. When it reacts to other chemicals in the waterways