Total reward concept is an approach to reward management which combines financial and non financial rewards into one concept. There is no reliance placed on one mechanism operating separately but on the two that is the financial and non financial operating as one. Armstrong (2010:275) highlights that Total Rewards encompasses not only traditional, quantifiable elements like salary, variable pay and benefits, but also more intangible non-cash elements such as scope to achieve, learning and development, the intrinsic motivation provided by the work itself and the quality of working life provided by the organization.
The financial and non financial rewards are combined to create the Total Reward Concept. Williams, (2001) explains that total rewards strategy is the art of combining the four elements into tailored packages designed to achieve optimal motivation. The financial rewards which are tangible in nature are namely compensation and benefits whilst the non financial rewards which are intangible are namely learning and development and work environment all of which will be discussed below.